May 24, 2008

Thing 3 - Splitting out the Quartz (RSS Feeds)

Part of my initial reaction when I started using Google Reader about a month ago, was why in the world didn’t I bother to configure this sooner? I’d already been using another site to read my friend’s journals, as well as other sites that offered compatible syndication for two years, but my excuse for not setting up a feed reader was that I didn’t follow any other blogs or feeds dedicatedly. Well – that was the past. Some of my favorites now include:

Library Related
The Shifted Librarian
Librarian in Black

Cooking Related
French Laundry at Home
101 Cookbooks

General Tech
43 Folders
Cool Tools
The How-to Geek

Just for Fun
A Softer World

The primary motivator behind my taking the plunge into the delight of daily readings was to keep tabs on technology trends within the library world – a place from which I feel somewhat isolated. Yet when I read these blogs or Library Hi Tech, I see so many opportunities to apply tidbits and new applications within my current work and also to tag them for future use.