August 26, 2008

Thing 18_YouTube & Other Video Sites

The upside and the downside of YouTube and other video sites are the plethora of videos available, which can be educational or mind-numbing, interesting or annoying and entertaining or worthless. And so, yes - I searched YouTube briefly and found a neat library video from the St. Joseph Public Library... as they explain it:

This video was created for library staff in service day at the St. Joseph County Public Library in South Bend, Indiana by Dale kerkman, Bob lewandowski, Michael Stephens and Adam Tarwacki. Set to Madonna's "Ray of Light," and inspired by the video of the song, this video details a day in the life of a thriving public library system, highlighting the faces and places that make the library the library.

I chose this video because it provided a new glimpse at a day in the life of a library and since I don't currently work at a library, it gave me an interesting sense of what occurs at a public library. Of course, I also appreciated the music. Music is such a key element... I could see libraries using YouTube to provide tours of resources, tours of the library adn even short instruction videos.